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Selected Images from the Collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library

A bend of the Ruamahanga River, with bush to the left and a small canoe with three people in it being poled across the river in the middle distance, low hills in the background. The area shown is likely to be on or close to the artist's own farm which was beside the Ruamahanga. Drawings & Prints Collection, Reference No. A-034-001 Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand

Watercolour 176 x 249 mm

A bend of the Ruamahanga River, with bush to the left and a small canoe with three people in it being poled across the river in the middle distance, low hills in the background. The area shown is likely to be on or close to the artist's own farm which was beside the Ruamahanga. Drawings & Prints Collection, Reference No. A-034-001 Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand