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Selected Images from the Collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library

Map of North Island, South Island, Stewart Island of New Zealand with numerous named small islands. Rivers, settlements, cities and towns are named, as are coastal features such as bays, capes, points, heads, rocks, sounds, inlets. Principal lighthouses are marked. Lit lighthouses are also recorded. Points of shipwrecks are marked with the name and type of ship, the date of shipwreck and lives lost. Insets include lists of shipwrecks with references to places and points of shipwreck. Cartograph…

1 manuscript map(s).; Ink on card, linen backed, scale not given, 90.9 x 66.1 cm.

Map of North Island, South Island, Stewart Island of New Zealand with numerous named small islands. Rivers, settlements, cities and towns are named, as are coastal features such as bays, capes, points, heads, rocks, sounds, inlets. Principal lighthouses are marked. Lit lighthouses are also recorded. Points of shipwrecks are marked with the name and type of ship, the date of shipwreck and lives lost. Insets include lists of shipwrecks with references to places and points of shipwreck. Cartographic Collection, Reference No. MapColl-830gmfw/1935/Acc.1439 Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.