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Tuatara: Volume 5, Issue 1, January 1953

Plate III — Fig. 31: Galeorhinus australis, and upper and lower teeth. Fig. 32: Mustelus lenticulatus. Fig. 33: Sphyrna lewini, and lateral teeth from upper and lower jaws. Fig. 34: Scymnodon sherwoodi, and venter of snout. Fig. 35: S. plunketi, venter of snout, and lateral teeth upper and lower jaws. Fig. 36: Centrophorus nilsoni, venter of snout and teeth. Fig. 37: Deania kaikourae, venter of snout and tooth. Fig. 38: C. waitei, venter of snout and lower tooth. Fig. 39: Squalus griffini. Fig.…

Plate III Fig. 31: Galeorhinus australis, and upper and lower teeth. Fig. 32: Mustelus lenticulatus. Fig. 33: Sphyrna lewini, and lateral teeth from upper and lower jaws. Fig. 34: Scymnodon sherwoodi, and venter of snout. Fig. 35: S. plunketi, venter of snout, and lateral teeth upper and lower jaws. Fig. 36: Centrophorus nilsoni, venter of snout and teeth. Fig. 37: Deania kaikourae, venter of snout and tooth. Fig. 38: C. waitei, venter of snout and lower tooth. Fig. 39: Squalus griffini. Fig. 40: S. lebruni. Fig. 41: Oxynotus bruniensis. Fig. 42: Dalatias licha, venter of snout and teeth. Fig. 43: Somniosus antarcticus. Fig. 44: Echinorhinus brucus, venter of snout, tooth and scale. Accessory figures are drawn to the left of the main figure.

Plate III
Fig. 31: Galeorhinus australis, and upper and lower teeth. Fig. 32: Mustelus lenticulatus. Fig. 33: Sphyrna lewini, and lateral teeth from upper and lower jaws. Fig. 34: Scymnodon sherwoodi, and venter of snout. Fig. 35: S. plunketi, venter of snout, and lateral teeth upper and lower jaws. Fig. 36: Centrophorus nilsoni, venter of snout and teeth. Fig. 37: Deania kaikourae, venter of snout and tooth. Fig. 38: C. waitei, venter of snout and lower tooth. Fig. 39: Squalus griffini. Fig. 40: S. lebruni. Fig. 41: Oxynotus bruniensis. Fig. 42: Dalatias licha, venter of snout and teeth. Fig. 43: Somniosus antarcticus. Fig. 44: Echinorhinus brucus, venter of snout, tooth and scale.
Accessory figures are drawn to the left of the main figure.