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Tuatara: Volume 8, Issue 2, May 1960

PLATE 2 — Top— Griselinia littoralis seedlings grown in an infertile soil. Mycorrhizal seedlings on left (3), non-mycorrhizal seedlings on right (6). Centre— Left: Pinus radiata seedlings grown in an infertile soil. Left, non-mycorrhizal; right, mycorrhizal. (X 1/6.) Right: T.S. root of Griselinia littoralis showing zone of Rhizophagus infection (X 45). Bottom— Left: Vesicle in root of Podocarpus hallii (X 1,000). Centre: Typical mycorrhiza of Nothofagus menziesii (X 3). Right: T.S. mycorrhiza …

PLATE 2 Top— Griselinia littoralis seedlings grown in an infertile soil. Mycorrhizal seedlings on left (3), non-mycorrhizal seedlings on right (6). Centre— Left: Pinus radiata seedlings grown in an infertile soil. Left, non-mycorrhizal; right, mycorrhizal. (X 1/6.) Right: T.S. root of Griselinia littoralis showing zone of Rhizophagus infection (X 45). Bottom— Left: Vesicle in root of Podocarpus hallii (X 1,000). Centre: Typical mycorrhiza of Nothofagus menziesii (X 3). Right: T.S. mycorrhiza of Pernettya macrostigma showing hyphae confined to outer layer of root (X 490).

Top— Griselinia littoralis seedlings grown in an infertile soil. Mycorrhizal seedlings on left (3), non-mycorrhizal seedlings on right (6). Centre— Left: Pinus radiata seedlings grown in an infertile soil. Left, non-mycorrhizal; right, mycorrhizal. (X 1/6.) Right: T.S. root of Griselinia littoralis showing zone of Rhizophagus infection (X 45). Bottom— Left: Vesicle in root of Podocarpus hallii (X 1,000). Centre: Typical mycorrhiza of Nothofagus menziesii (X 3). Right: T.S. mycorrhiza of Pernettya macrostigma showing hyphae confined to outer layer of root (X 490).