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Tuatara: Volume 9, Issue 1, September 1961

Figure 1 : New Zealand and outlying islands, showing marine provinces as suggested by the echinoderms. The Aupourian Province includes the northern part the North Island from East Cape and Cape Egmont, and Three Kings Islends. The indefinite southern boundary of the Cookian Province is indicated by a broken line. The Chatham Islands are regarded as members of the Cookian Province. The Antipodean Province includes the Auckland, Campbell, Bounty and Antipoae, Islands, to depths of 100 fathoms. Ab…

Figure 1 : New Zealand and outlying islands, showing marine provinces as suggested by the echinoderms. The Aupourian Province includes the northern part the North Island from East Cape and Cape Egmont, and Three Kings Islends. The indefinite southern boundary of the Cookian Province is indicated by a broken line. The Chatham Islands are regarded as members of the Cookian Province. The Antipodean Province includes the Auckland, Campbell, Bounty and Antipoae, Islands, to depths of 100 fathoms. Abbreviations : A, West Auckland Curren; B, East Auckland Current; C, East Cape Current; D, Westland Current; E, Canterbury Current.

Figure 1 : New Zealand and outlying islands, showing marine provinces as suggested by the echinoderms. The Aupourian Province includes the northern part the North Island from East Cape and Cape Egmont, and Three Kings Islends. The indefinite southern boundary of the Cookian Province is indicated by a broken line. The Chatham Islands are regarded as members of the Cookian Province. The Antipodean Province includes the Auckland, Campbell, Bounty and Antipoae, Islands, to depths of 100 fathoms. Abbreviations : A, West Auckland Curren; B, East Auckland Current; C, East Cape Current; D, Westland Current; E, Canterbury Current.