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Tuatara: Volume 15, Issue 1, May 1967

Fig. 5: Development of the ureter from the Wolffian duct in Trichosurus, second stage. The metanephric blastema and the Wolffian duct have separated. The Wolffian duct can be seen entering the cloaca, right. The medullary tube lies dorsally. The relative positions of the metanephric blastema and the Wolffian ducts are not constant. Redrawn from Buchanan and Fraser 1918. (X 20)

Fig. 5: Development of the ureter from the Wolffian duct in Trichosurus, second stage. The metanephric blastema and the Wolffian duct have separated. The Wolffian duct can be seen entering the cloaca, right. The medullary tube lies dorsally. The relative positions of the metanephric blastema and the Wolffian ducts are not constant. Redrawn from Buchanan and Fraser 1918. (X 20)

Fig. 5: Development of the ureter from the Wolffian duct in Trichosurus, second stage. The metanephric blastema and the Wolffian duct have separated. The Wolffian duct can be seen entering the cloaca, right. The medullary tube lies dorsally. The relative positions of the metanephric blastema and the Wolffian ducts are not constant. Redrawn from Buchanan and Fraser 1918. (X 20)