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Tuatara: Volume 15, Issue 2, July 1967

Fig. 2: Canopy. 4″ × 5″ llford F.P.3 cut film. Developed in I.D.I 1. ×3 green filter. Printed on Agfa Portriga with considerable holding back in the shadow areas. Bright sun. Strong back lighting

Fig. 2: Canopy. 4″ × 5″ llford F.P.3 cut film. Developed in I.D.I 1. ×3 green filter. Printed on Agfa Portriga with considerable holding back in the shadow areas. Bright sun. Strong back lighting.

Fig. 2: Canopy. 4″ × 5″ llford F.P.3 cut film. Developed in I.D.I 1. ×3 green filter. Printed on Agfa Portriga with considerable holding back in the shadow areas. Bright sun. Strong back lighting.