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Arts and Crafts of the Cook Islands

Figure 88.—Triangular adz, intermediate, Mauke (C2719). a, front: butt and blade on same plane with pronounced raised shoulder; b, back: narrow bevel surface, straight transversely and apex lost in rounding off of blade and butt; c, right side: shows pronounced profile of raised shoulder; d, sections. Weight, 9 oz

Figure 88.—Triangular adz, intermediate, Mauke (C2719). a, front: butt and blade on same plane with pronounced raised shoulder; b, back: narrow bevel surface, straight transversely and apex lost in rounding off of blade and butt; c, right side: shows pronounced profile of raised shoulder; d, sections. Weight, 9 oz.

Figure 88.—Triangular adz, intermediate, Mauke (C2719). a, front: butt and blade on same plane with pronounced raised shoulder; b, back: narrow bevel surface, straight transversely and apex lost in rounding off of blade and butt; c, right side: shows pronounced profile of raised shoulder; d, sections. Weight, 9 oz.