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The Vegetation of New Zealand

Fig. 66. To right and centre, outskirts of Nothofagus cliffortioides forest; to left in foreground tall tussock-grassland of Danthonia Raoulii var. rubra; on right much Phormium Colensoi; in distance, the active volcano Ngauruhoe. Waimarino Plain at about. 1000 m. altitude. — Photo. P.Keller

Fig. 66. To right and centre, outskirts of Nothofagus cliffortioides forest; to left in foreground tall tussock-grassland of Danthonia Raoulii var. rubra; on right much Phormium Colensoi; in distance, the active volcano Ngauruhoe. Waimarino Plain at about. 1000 m. altitude. — Photo. P.Keller.

Fig. 66. To right and centre, outskirts of Nothofagus cliffortioides forest; to left in foreground tall tussock-grassland of Danthonia Raoulii var. rubra; on right much Phormium Colensoi; in distance, the active volcano Ngauruhoe. Waimarino Plain at about. 1000 m. altitude. — Photo. P.Keller.