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The Old Frontier : Te Awamutu, the story of the Waipa Valley : the missionary, the soldier, the pioneer farmer, early colonization, the war in Waikato, life on the Maori border and later-day settlement

The British Redoubt and Camp at Te Awamutu (1864–5). — The hutments in the foreground approximately occupy the present frontages of Alexandra Street. The foremost — hutment is situated at the corner of Alexandra Street and Market Street, with the location of the saleyards in the background

The British Redoubt and Camp at Te Awamutu (1864–5). The hutments in the foreground approximately occupy the present frontages of Alexandra Street. The foremost hutment is situated at the corner of Alexandra Street and Market Street, with the location of the saleyards in the background

The British Redoubt and Camp at Te Awamutu (1864–5).
The hutments in the foreground approximately occupy the present frontages of Alexandra Street. The foremost
hutment is situated at the corner of Alexandra Street and Market Street, with the location of the saleyards in the background