Title: Boat Day

Author: Rae Huson

Publication details: School Publications Branch, 1963, Wellington

Digital publication kindly authorised by: Ministry of Education

Part of: The Ready to Read Collection

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Boat Day

[ "You cannot ride on the pony," said Miss Pennyfeather, "but you may get up on it when the circus is over, and your parents clap. Look, this is the idea. The ringmaster and the clown must hold on to the dancing girl. They must remember not to let her go." "That's a good idea, Miss Pennyfeather," said Betty. ]

[ "You cannot ride on the pony," said Miss Pennyfeather, "but you may get up on it when the circus is over, and your parents clap. Look, this is the idea. The ringmaster and the clown must hold on to the dancing girl. They must remember not to let her go." "That's a good idea, Miss Pennyfeather," said Betty. ]