Title: Exotic Intruders

Author: Joan Druett

Publication details: Heinemann, 1983, Auckland

Digital publication kindly authorised by: Joan Druett

Part of: New Zealand Texts Collection

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Exotic Intruders

A helicopter being used to recover deer carcasses. Scenes like this were common in Fiordland in the 1960s, when businesses exporting venison to lucrative markets in Europe made immense profits out of the venture of shooting and ferrying of deer from helicopters like this one. Everyone did well—the helicopter operators, the exporters—and even the pilots and shooters

A helicopter being used to recover deer carcasses. Scenes like this were common in Fiordland in the 1960s, when businesses exporting venison to lucrative markets in Europe made immense profits out of the venture of shooting and ferrying of deer from helicopters like this one. Everyone did well—the helicopter operators, the exporters—and even the pilots and shooters.

A helicopter being used to recover deer carcasses. Scenes like this were common in Fiordland in the 1960s, when businesses exporting venison to lucrative markets in Europe made immense profits out of the venture of shooting and ferrying of deer from helicopters like this one. Everyone did well—the helicopter operators, the exporters—and even the pilots and shooters.