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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1 (May 1st, 1926)

Glimpses of Other Lands — Photos secured by Mr. J. Mason in the course of His Tour — 1. Aboriginal Woman (Gin) and Children, taken at “Oldea” Station, on Australian Trans-continental Railway. — 2. War Memorial Watch Tower—Somme Battlefield. — 3. Arabic Theatre, Cairo. — 4. The hill where lies Cecil Rhodes, Matoppas, Rhodesia, S.A. — 5. In foreground, Wild Cosmos; Background, “Blue Mountains,' Basutoland, South Africa. — 6. Railway Bridge over Zambesi River, just below Victoria Falls

Glimpses of Other Lands Photos secured by Mr. J. Mason in the course of His Tour 1. Aboriginal Woman (Gin) and Children, taken at “Oldea” Station, on Australian Trans-continental Railway. 2. War Memorial Watch Tower—Somme Battlefield. 3. Arabic Theatre, Cairo. 4. The hill where lies Cecil Rhodes, Matoppas, Rhodesia, S.A. 5. In foreground, Wild Cosmos; Background, “Blue Mountains,' Basutoland, South Africa. 6. Railway Bridge over Zambesi River, just below Victoria Falls.

Glimpses of Other Lands
Photos secured by Mr. J. Mason in the course of His Tour
1. Aboriginal Woman (Gin) and Children, taken at “Oldea” Station, on Australian Trans-continental Railway.
2. War Memorial Watch Tower—Somme Battlefield.
3. Arabic Theatre, Cairo.
4. The hill where lies Cecil Rhodes, Matoppas, Rhodesia, S.A.
5. In foreground, Wild Cosmos; Background, “Blue Mountains,' Basutoland, South Africa.
6. Railway Bridge over Zambesi River, just below Victoria Falls.