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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 6 (October 1, 1930)

In Service on the South Australian Railways. — “Mountain” type of locomotive, 4–8–4, and tender. The following are the chief particulars of the locomotive: Cylinders, dia. 26in.; piston stroke, 28in.; wheels coupled, dia. 5ft, 3in.; grate area, 66 sq. ft.; boiler pressure, 200lbs. per sq. in.; tractive force at 85 per cent. of boiler pressure, 51,000lbs.; total heating surface, 3,609 sq. ft.; total weight in working order (engine and tender)., 218 tons 15cwt.; tender water capacity, 8,000 gals.…

In Service on the South Australian Railways. “Mountain” type of locomotive, 4–8–4, and tender. The following are the chief particulars of the locomotive: Cylinders, dia. 26in.; piston stroke, 28in.; wheels coupled, dia. 5ft, 3in.; grate area, 66 sq. ft.; boiler pressure, 200lbs. per sq. in.; tractive force at 85 per cent. of boiler pressure, 51,000lbs.; total heating surface, 3,609 sq. ft.; total weight in working order (engine and tender)., 218 tons 15cwt.; tender water capacity, 8,000 gals.; coal, 12 tons.

In Service on the South Australian Railways.
“Mountain” type of locomotive, 4–8–4, and tender. The following are the chief particulars of the locomotive: Cylinders, dia. 26in.; piston stroke, 28in.; wheels coupled, dia. 5ft, 3in.; grate area, 66 sq. ft.; boiler pressure, 200lbs. per sq. in.; tractive force at 85 per cent. of boiler pressure, 51,000lbs.; total heating surface, 3,609 sq. ft.; total weight in working order (engine and tender)., 218 tons 15cwt.; tender water capacity, 8,000 gals.; coal, 12 tons.