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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 5 (November 2, 1931)

“On entering we feel beneath our feet Luxurious carpetings of moss and leaf.” — The biggest tree in the Waipoua State Forest, North Auckland. This magnificent specimen of the kauri measures 49ft. in girth at the middle of the trunk which is 30ft high to where the crown commences to branch out

“On entering we feel beneath our feet Luxurious carpetings of moss and leaf.” The biggest tree in the Waipoua State Forest, North Auckland. This magnificent specimen of the kauri measures 49ft. in girth at the middle of the trunk which is 30ft high to where the crown commences to branch out.

“On entering we feel beneath our feet Luxurious carpetings of moss and leaf.”
The biggest tree in the Waipoua State Forest, North Auckland. This magnificent specimen of the kauri measures 49ft. in girth at the middle of the trunk which is 30ft high to where the crown commences to branch out.