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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 4 (August 1, 1932)

A New Zealand El Dorado. — (Rly. Publicity photo.). — Junction of the Shotover River and Moke Creek, Otago, South Island, where much gold has been won in days gone by, and where a further find, valued at approximately £30,000, was reported recently. (Reached from the railhead at Cromwell or Kingston.)

A New Zealand El Dorado. (Rly. Publicity photo.). Junction of the Shotover River and Moke Creek, Otago, South Island, where much gold has been won in days gone by, and where a further find, valued at approximately £30,000, was reported recently. (Reached from the railhead at Cromwell or Kingston.)

A New Zealand El Dorado.
(Rly. Publicity photo.).
Junction of the Shotover River and Moke Creek, Otago, South Island, where much gold has been won in days gone by, and where a further find, valued at approximately £30,000, was reported recently. (Reached from the railhead at Cromwell or Kingston.)