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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 5 (September 1, 1932)

“Like virgin Parchment, capable of any inscription.”-Messinger — Our Children's Gallery.—(1) Joyce and Keith Shingleton; (2) Wilfred Mutton; (3) Trevor and Joan Hayes; (4) Malcolm McLean; (5) Eric, Gwen, Gordon and Dora Tietjens; (6) Betty Cummings; (7) Neville Sehoder and Teddy Langford; (8) James and Francis Quinn; (9) Dan and Nessie Cummings; (10) June and Bruce Dunstance; (11) Clarice, Walter and Olive Butler; (12) Joan, William and Patricia Kelly—all from Kaiwarra, Wellington

“Like virgin Parchment, capable of any inscription.”-Messinger Our Children's Gallery.—(1) Joyce and Keith Shingleton; (2) Wilfred Mutton; (3) Trevor and Joan Hayes; (4) Malcolm McLean; (5) Eric, Gwen, Gordon and Dora Tietjens; (6) Betty Cummings; (7) Neville Sehoder and Teddy Langford; (8) James and Francis Quinn; (9) Dan and Nessie Cummings; (10) June and Bruce Dunstance; (11) Clarice, Walter and Olive Butler; (12) Joan, William and Patricia Kelly—all from Kaiwarra, Wellington.

“Like virgin Parchment, capable of any inscription.”-Messinger
Our Children's Gallery.—(1) Joyce and Keith Shingleton; (2) Wilfred Mutton; (3) Trevor and Joan Hayes; (4) Malcolm McLean; (5) Eric, Gwen, Gordon and Dora Tietjens; (6) Betty Cummings; (7) Neville Sehoder and Teddy Langford; (8) James and Francis Quinn; (9) Dan and Nessie Cummings; (10) June and Bruce Dunstance; (11) Clarice, Walter and Olive Butler; (12) Joan, William and Patricia Kelly—all from Kaiwarra, Wellington.