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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 8 (November 1, 1935)

Te Heuheu the Great, and His Brother Iwikau. The famous old chief was killed in the landslide at Te Raps, South Taupo, in 1846, two years after this picture was drawn by G. F. Angas, the Australian artist. Iwikau te Heuheu succeeded him as head of the tribe

Te Heuheu the Great, and His Brother Iwikau. The famous old chief was killed in the landslide at Te Raps, South Taupo, in 1846, two years after this picture was drawn by G. F. Angas, the Australian artist. Iwikau te Heuheu succeeded him as head of the tribe.

Te Heuheu the Great, and His Brother Iwikau. The famous old chief was killed in the landslide at Te Raps, South Taupo, in 1846, two years after this picture was drawn by G. F. Angas, the Australian artist. Iwikau te Heuheu succeeded him as head of the tribe.