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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 1 (April 1, 1939)

(Rly. Publicity photo.) Members of the New Zealand Railway staff assembled to bid farewell to Mr. Neil Edwards, of the Locomotive Drawing Office, who will represent New Zealand in the Davis Cup team in England. Mr. Edwards is seated (front centre) between Mr. G. H. Mackley. General Manager of Railways (left), and Mr. E. Casey, Assistant General Manager (right)

(Rly. Publicity photo.) Members of the New Zealand Railway staff assembled to bid farewell to Mr. Neil Edwards, of the Locomotive Drawing Office, who will represent New Zealand in the Davis Cup team in England. Mr. Edwards is seated (front centre) between Mr. G. H. Mackley. General Manager of Railways (left), and Mr. E. Casey, Assistant General Manager (right).

(Rly. Publicity photo.) Members of the New Zealand Railway staff assembled to bid farewell to Mr. Neil Edwards, of the Locomotive Drawing Office, who will represent New Zealand in the Davis Cup team in England. Mr. Edwards is seated (front centre) between Mr. G. H. Mackley. General Manager of Railways (left), and Mr. E. Casey, Assistant General Manager (right).