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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 15, Issue 1 (April 1, 1940)

(Photo., Alan Blakey). — The first Railway Band in New Zealand, pictured above, was formed at Otahuhu Workshops less than a year ago. A sum of £400 was raised in six months by the Band Committee for the purchase of instruments and uniforms. The President, Mr. J. B. Graham, and the present conductor, Mr. W. A. Jones, are seated in the centre of the front row. The first conductor, Mr. W. Hussey, is at present in the military camp at Papakura

(Photo., Alan Blakey). The first Railway Band in New Zealand, pictured above, was formed at Otahuhu Workshops less than a year ago. A sum of £400 was raised in six months by the Band Committee for the purchase of instruments and uniforms. The President, Mr. J. B. Graham, and the present conductor, Mr. W. A. Jones, are seated in the centre of the front row. The first conductor, Mr. W. Hussey, is at present in the military camp at Papakura.

(Photo., Alan Blakey).
The first Railway Band in New Zealand, pictured above, was formed at Otahuhu Workshops less than a year ago. A sum of £400 was raised in six months by the Band Committee for the purchase of instruments and uniforms. The President, Mr. J. B. Graham, and the present conductor, Mr. W. A. Jones, are seated in the centre of the front row. The first conductor, Mr. W. Hussey, is at present in the military camp at Papakura.