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Contributions to the Early History of New Zealand

Key-Plan And Description To Mr. (Sir W.) Fox's "Dunedin, January, 1849." 1First Church.2Garrick's House (Royal Hotel).3Emigrants' Barracks.4High Street.5Maori Landing Place.6Land Office.7Kettle's House.8Valpy's House.9Park's (Surveyor) House, about middle of Liverpool Street.10Cutten's House and Office.11Rev. T. Burns's House, with Brown's, Chapman's, and Cargill's adjoining.12Jetty.13Liverpool Street. — [To face p. 120

Key-Plan And Description To Mr. (Sir W.) Fox's "Dunedin, January, 1849." 1First Church.2Garrick's House (Royal Hotel).3Emigrants' Barracks.4High Street.5Maori Landing Place.6Land Office.7Kettle's House.8Valpy's House.9Park's (Surveyor) House, about middle of Liverpool Street.10Cutten's House and Office.11Rev. T. Burns's House, with Brown's, Chapman's, and Cargill's adjoining.12Jetty.13Liverpool Street.[To face p. 120.

Key-Plan And Description To Mr. (Sir W.) Fox's "Dunedin, January, 1849."

1First Church.
2Garrick's House (Royal Hotel).
3Emigrants' Barracks.
4High Street.
5Maori Landing Place.
6Land Office.
7Kettle's House.
8Valpy's House.
9Park's (Surveyor) House, about middle of Liverpool Street.
10Cutten's House and Office.
11Rev. T. Burns's House, with Brown's, Chapman's, and Cargill's adjoining.
13Liverpool Street.
[To face p. 120.