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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 21, No. 1. March 13, 1958

You are invited to take part in a UNIVERSITY SERVICE to be held in the CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST. PAUL WELLINGTON on SUNDAY, 16th MARCH, 1958, at 3 p.m. ADDRESS: The Very Rev. D. J. Davies, Dean of Wellington. PRAYERS: Rev. J. S. Somerville. Service token by Rev. A. Grey, S.C.M. Chaplain

You are invited to take part in a UNIVERSITY SERVICE to be held in the CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST. PAUL WELLINGTON on SUNDAY, 16th MARCH, 1958, at 3 p.m. ADDRESS: The Very Rev. D. J. Davies, Dean of Wellington. PRAYERS: Rev. J. S. Somerville. Service token by Rev. A. Grey, S.C.M. Chaplain.