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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 15. 1964.

CHOOSE A CAREER IN TRANSPORT Rail-Road-Sea-Air To maintain the progressive development of vital transport services by rail, road, sea, and air within New Zealand the Railways Department needs a constant influx of young talent. Applications are therefore invited from keen, interested and well-educated young men between 18 and 21 years of age for positions as— Engineering Cadets (civil, mechanical, or electrical) Accountancy Cadets Clerical Cadets (in several different branches) Generous assistan…

CHOOSE A CAREER IN TRANSPORT Rail-Road-Sea-Air To maintain the progressive development of vital transport services by rail, road, sea, and air within New Zealand the Railways Department needs a constant influx of young talent. Applications are therefore invited from keen, interested and well-educated young men between 18 and 21 years of age for positions as— Engineering Cadets (civil, mechanical, or electrical) Accountancy Cadets Clerical Cadets (in several different branches) Generous assistance is provided for university studies, and suitable young men will find excellent opportunities for specialisation and for advancement to some of the Department's highest administrative and executive posts. NOTE—Young men appointed as Engineering Cadets must possess at least the Higher School Certificate. They are sent to a University for four years at the Department's expense, to enable them to obtain appropriate degrees, and in return must undertake to serve the Department for at least four years subsequent to graduation. For full information about careers in the Railways Department, the qualifications needed, the rewards offered and the staff privileges available, consult—in the first instance—the Employment Officer, New Zealand Railways, Room 314, Third Floor, Railway Station, Wellington Telephone 47-800, extension 8131 (Postal address: Private Bag, Wellington) The latest type of transistorised railway signal control machine now being brought into use at Palmerston North. Control panel of New Zealand Railways electronic data processing installation in the Chief Accountant's office at Wellington.