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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 15. 1964.

4 excellent reasons for wearing a P.O.S.B. passbook In your pocket Your P.O.S.B. passbook entities you to instant money wherever there's a Post Office . . . and that's just about everywhere! All you need do is identify yourself to withdraw £20. Your P.O.S.B. is open longer during the day . . . from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For sheer convenience try your suburban branch. Parking's much easier in the suburbs. Your P.O.S.B. savings qualify for 3% government guaranteed interest. There's no safer way to sav…

4 excellent reasons for wearing a P.O.S.B. passbook In your pocket Your P.O.S.B. passbook entities you to instant money wherever there's a Post Office . . . and that's just about everywhere! All you need do is identify yourself to withdraw £20. Your P.O.S.B. is open longer during the day . . . from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For sheer convenience try your suburban branch. Parking's much easier in the suburbs. Your P.O.S.B. savings qualify for 3% government guaranteed interest. There's no safer way to save! Your P.O.S.B. account adapts to your every need. Use it for regular saving, or Special Purposes just as it suits you! The P.O.S.B. offers you these opportunities to save—Ordinary Accounts, Home Lay-By Accounts, Special Purpose Accounts, School Savings Accounts, Investment Accounts, Thrift Clubs. POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER 16548 ISSUED BY THE NEW ZEALAND POST OFFICE