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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 4

Table shouting the leading items of thirteen London Joint Stock Banks, December 31, 1874

Names. Capital. Reserve Fund (surplus). Loans, discounts, etc. Deposits. Cash, including deposits in the Bank of England. Public securities, etc. etc. Real Estate, etc. Alliance Bank £800,000 £180,000 £2,726,295 £1,890,068 £638,140 £80,953 Central Bank of London 100,000 20,000 591,507 769,039 186,039 81,859 £37,018 City Bank, London 600,000 170,000 6,211,396 3,287,862 787,950 329,027 54,351 City and County Bank 25,011 750 98,682 86,972 9,019 Consolidated Bank 800,000 106,575 3,089,100 3,072,641 807,102 208,944 180,752 Imperial Bank 675,000 80,000 3,325,174 2,115,416 596,555 72,370 23,680 London and County Banking Co.... 1,200,000 600,000 19,944,392 19,892,586 2,461,448 2,083,470 408,077 London Joint Stock Bank 1,200,000 505,283 18,895,531 20,527,276 2,296,901 1,080,000 126,290 London and Provincial Bank 150,000 24,110 926,106 1,319,098 198,253 339,718 22,119 London and Southwestern Bank.... 166,180 9,000 890,027 907,592 174,401 33,144 London and Westminster Bank 2,000,000 1,046,150 25,389,754 30,015,194 3,861,387 3,998,851 Merchants' Banking Co. of London 375,000 75,000 2,903,442 2,599,230 211,804 20,000 Union Bank of London 1,395,000 450,000 15,512,979 14,122,111 2,357,367 2,940,978 423,462 £9,486,191 £3,266,868 £100,504,385 £100,605,085 £14,586,366 £11,216,170 £1,328,893

Table shouting the leading items of thirteen London Joint Stock Banks, December 31, 1874.