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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 6

1878. 1879. Total number on Sundays---267,113 239,540 Total number on weekdays---458,309 329,594 725,422 569,134 Greatest monthly attendance (August)---142,963 Smallest monthly attendance (January)---4,252 Greatest weekday attendance (August 4th)---51,949 Smallest weekday attendance (January 18th)---13 Greatest Sunday attendance (July 27th)---21,909 Smallest Sunday attendance (February 23rd)---73 Number of Visitors in each month. 1878. 1879. .— January---10,134 4,252 February---14,017 5,127 Mar…

1878. 1879. Total number on Sundays---267,113 239,540 Total number on weekdays---458,309 329,594 725,422 569,134 Greatest monthly attendance (August)---142,963 Smallest monthly attendance (January)---4,252 Greatest weekday attendance (August 4th)---51,949 Smallest weekday attendance (January 18th)---13 Greatest Sunday attendance (July 27th)---21,909 Smallest Sunday attendance (February 23rd)---73 Number of Visitors in each month. 1878. 1879. .— January---10,134 4,252 February---14,017 5,127 March----24,338 20,515 April----110,440 51,913 May----81,426 41,538 June----140,342 112,310 July----109,357 82,587 August----134,360 142,963 September---57,491 69,654 October----30,587 23,185 November---8,194 10,501 December---4,736 4,589 Bank Holidays. April 14th--19,430 (before 1 p.m. 2,557) June 2nd--15,205 (" 1,094) August 4th--51,949 (" 3,088) December 26th-752 (" 286) [7566.—750.—10/80.]