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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 14

JNO. YOUNG, The Cheapest Ironmonger in Wellington. IMPORTER of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE FROM THE LEADING MANUFACTURING CENTRES. The most Complete Assortment of BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY, at the Cheapest Rates, in the City. A LARGE AND Stock of CARPENTERS' ENGINEERS' AND HOUSEHOLD TOOLS at Low prices. A Splendid Assortment of HOUSE-FURNISHING IRONMONGERYat Prices that cannot be equalled in Wellington. VERY GOOD BARGAINS MAY BE HAD IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: Bedsteads and Cots—Galvanised Tubs and B…

JNO. YOUNG, The Cheapest Ironmonger in Wellington. IMPORTER of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE FROM THE LEADING MANUFACTURING CENTRES. The most Complete Assortment of BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY, at the Cheapest Rates, in the City. A LARGE AND Stock of CARPENTERS' ENGINEERS' AND HOUSEHOLD TOOLS at Low prices. A Splendid Assortment of HOUSE-FURNISHING IRONMONGERYat Prices that cannot be equalled in Wellington. VERY GOOD BARGAINS MAY BE HAD IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: Bedsteads and Cots—Galvanised Tubs and Buckets -Tinware—Brush-ware, in large variety—Fenders and Fire Irons—Ranges and Register Grates—Mangles—Cabinetmakers' Sundries—Wringing Machines—Paints and Oils—Sash Weights and Lines, &c., &c., &c. Don't Forget! JNO. YOUNG, The Cheapest Ironmonger, CUBA-ST., WELLINGTON,