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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 23

NEW ZEALAND STEAM CONFECTIONERY WORKS AND BISCUIT FACTORY Rattray Street, Dunedin. R.K. MURRAY & SON WHOLESALE AND EXPORT confectioners, sugar boilers, Lozenge Makers and Steam Biscuit Manufacturers Importers of WEDDING CAKE ORNAMENTS, BOI-BOIS, COSAQUES, And all Kinds of Fancy Confectionery

NEW ZEALAND STEAM CONFECTIONERY WORKS AND BISCUIT FACTORY Rattray Street, Dunedin. R.K. MURRAY & SON WHOLESALE AND EXPORT confectioners, sugar boilers, Lozenge Makers and Steam Biscuit Manufacturers Importers of WEDDING CAKE ORNAMENTS, BOI-BOIS, COSAQUES, And all Kinds of Fancy Confectionery