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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 23

KITCHEN RANGES ALL SIZES, SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR BURNING NEW ZEALAND COAL. Both portable and for building in, fitted with either high or low pressure boilers. register grates And a Choice Assortment of Verandah and Balcony Work, And other Builders' requisites always in stock. H. E. SHACKLOCK, General Iron and Brass Foundry CRAWFORD STREET, DUNEDIN

KITCHEN RANGES ALL SIZES, SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR BURNING NEW ZEALAND COAL. Both portable and for building in, fitted with either high or low pressure boilers. register grates And a Choice Assortment of Verandah and Balcony Work, And other Builders' requisites always in stock. H. E. SHACKLOCK, General Iron and Brass Foundry CRAWFORD STREET, DUNEDIN.