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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 23

W. Gilchrist & Co. OCTAGON, DUNEDIN, NZ. IMPORTERS OF PLATE & SHEET GLASS Oils, Colours, Varnishes. Brushware and Paperhangings, Portland and Keene's Cement, Crystal and China-ware, Furniture and Fancy Goods, Silver and Electro-plate. Agents for the following Houses:— Messrs. Wylie & Lockhead, Warehousemen and Manufacturers of Paperhangings, Glasgow. J. & J. G. Scott, Oil and Colour Merchants, Glasgow. C. Turner and Sons, Varnish Manufacturers, Glasgow. M'Lean & Co., Cement Manufacturers, Londo…

W. Gilchrist & Co. OCTAGON, DUNEDIN, NZ. IMPORTERS OF PLATE & SHEET GLASS Oils, Colours, Varnishes. Brushware and Paperhangings, Portland and Keene's Cement, Crystal and China-ware, Furniture and Fancy Goods, Silver and Electro-plate. Agents for the following Houses:— Messrs. Wylie & Lockhead, Warehousemen and Manufacturers of Paperhangings, Glasgow. J. & J. G. Scott, Oil and Colour Merchants, Glasgow. C. Turner and Sons, Varnish Manufacturers, Glasgow. M'Lean & Co., Cement Manufacturers, London. Indents made on the most Favourable Terms. The Largest Stock in the Colony of Messrs. Chance Bros. & Co.'s Sheet Plate and Rolled Plate Glass