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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 23

B. BAGLEY & SON, CHEMISTS&. DRUGGISTS Beg to announce to their numerous Patrons and the Public generally that they have opened a Branch at the corner of Albany and King Streets, exactly opposite the North Dunedin Post Office, which they trust will prove a convenience to their Customers and the Residents of that locality. An experienced duly-qualified Registered Chemist is placed in charge of the Branch, and Messrs. B. B. & Son venture to hope that their successful career during the last 19 year…

B. BAGLEY & SON, CHEMISTS&. DRUGGISTS Beg to announce to their numerous Patrons and the Public generally that they have opened a Branch at the corner of Albany and King Streets, exactly opposite the North Dunedin Post Office, which they trust will prove a convenience to their Customers and the Residents of that locality. An experienced duly-qualified Registered Chemist is placed in charge of the Branch, and Messrs. B. B. & Son venture to hope that their successful career during the last 19 years will be accepted as a sufficient guarantee that the accurate and careful Dispensing of Prescriptions may be relied upon. Special attention will be given to the extension of their already large Family Trade Principal Establishment, No. 134, George Street. Branch Establishment, comer of AIbany and King Streets DUNEDIN.