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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 50

TABLE OF ACADEMIC PRESCRIBED CURRICULA. THEIR DEGREES. 1. COURSE IN ARTS. Artium Baccalaureus-a.a. b. Hour 2. COURSE IN SCIENCE. Scientiae Baccalaureus-a. s. b. Hour SIXTH YEAR. (Senior.) Twelfth Semester. Geology, Physical Geography and Paleontology Metaphysics—Ethics & Ontology. II. I Geology, Physical Geography and Paleontology. Metaphysics—Ethics and Ontology II. I. Eleventh Semester German and Modern European History.½ Anglo Saxon, Theory of Rhetoric and Resume.½ Ancient and Oriental Hist.…

TABLE OF ACADEMIC PRESCRIBED CURRICULA. THEIR DEGREES. 1. COURSE IN ARTS. Artium Baccalaureus-a.a. b. Hour 2. COURSE IN SCIENCE. Scientiae Baccalaureus-a. s. b. Hour SIXTH YEAR. (Senior.) Twelfth Semester. Geology, Physical Geography and Paleontology Metaphysics—Ethics & Ontology. II. I Geology, Physical Geography and Paleontology. Metaphysics—Ethics and Ontology II. I. Eleventh Semester German and Modern European History.½ Anglo Saxon, Theory of Rhetoric and Resume.½ Ancient and Oriental Hist. and Semitic Literature. Mineralogy and Lithology. Metaphysics—Psychol.&Logic VI. VI I Laboratory-Quanti'tive Anal. Astronomy (completed). Mineralogy and Lithology. Metaphysics-Psychology and Logic V. II I. FIFTH YEAR. (Junior.) Tenth Semester. French and Med'l History. Latin and Greek. Chemistry and Laboratory. Political Economy v. iv. III. I Laboratory—Qualitative Anal Chemistry. Physical Laboratory. Political Economy. Art (Tuesday and Friday) III. I. IV. Ninth Semester. Zoology,Hu. Anat. & Physiol. Latin and Greek. Chemistry and Laboratory. English Literature VI. IV. III. I Zoology, Hu. Anat. &. Physiol. Chemistry and Laboratory. Calculus. Eng. and Amer. Literature VI. III. II. I. FOURTH YEAR. (Sophomore.) Eighth Semester. Latin and Greek. Political Science. Physics. Analytical Geometry IV. III. II I Entomology & Econ. Botany. Political Science. Physics. Analytical Geometry IV. III. II. I. Seventh Semester Latin and Greek. English History. Physics. Algebra (completed). Art (Tuesday and Friday) iv. III. II. I. V English History. Physics. Algebra (completed). Art (Wednesday) III. II. I. VI. THIRD YEAR. (Freshman.) Sixth Semester. Spherical Trig. & Sph. Astron. Latin. Greek. Botany. Art (Tuesday and Friday) IV. III. II. I. VI German. Spherical Trig. & Sph. Astron. Elocution and Themes. Botany. Art (Tuesday and Friday) VI. IV. II. i. V. Fifth Semester Plane Trigonometry and Solid Geometry. Latin. U. S. History. Greek. Art (Tuesday and Friday) IV. III. II. I. VI French. Plane Trigonometry & Solid Geometry. U. S. History. German. Art (Tuesday and Friday) V. IV. II. i. VI. SECOND YEAR. Fourth Semester Latin. Analysis and Rhetoric. Plane Geometry. Greek. Art (Tuesday and Friday) I. V. IV. Ill II French. Plane Geometry. German. Art (Tuesday and Friday) V. IV II. III. Third Semester Elementary Algebra. Greek. Latin. Art (Tuesday and Friday) IV. III. I. II German. Analysis and Rhetoric. Elementary Algebra. Polit. and Phys. Geography. Art (Tuesday and Friday) VI. v. IV. III. ii. FIRST YEAR. Second Semester Greek. Arithmetic & Book-keeping* Latin or French I. III. II English Grammar. Arithmetic & Book-keeping*. Art (Tuesday and Friday). Latin or French VI. III. I. IIor- First Semester Language Lessons & Exercises Arithmetic. Latin VI. III. II Language Lessons & Exercises Arithmetic. Latin VI. III. II. *Book-keeping twice a week.