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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70

7 Implement (White) 8 Hei-tiki, from Murdering Beach (Chapman) 9 Remarkable lobeshaped pendant, 5in. long weight 120z.; from Fortrose (White) 10 Pendant, of very clear transparent stone (Chapman) 11 Flat worked piece (Chapman) 15, gtaegrün, 2nd stage, passing to blaugrün 38, blaogrün-grau 38, blaugrün-grau 15, grasgrün, 2nd stage, passing to blaugrün by transmitted light; 14, grasgrün, lab stage, passing to blaugrün by reflected light 12, gelbgrihi, 2nd stage, passing to grasgrün by transmitted…

7 Implement (White) 8 Hei-tiki, from Murdering Beach (Chapman) 9 Remarkable lobeshaped pendant, 5in. long weight 120z.; from Fortrose (White) 10 Pendant, of very clear transparent stone (Chapman) 11 Flat worked piece (Chapman) 15, gtaegrün, 2nd stage, passing to blaugrün 38, blaogrün-grau 38, blaugrün-grau 15, grasgrün, 2nd stage, passing to blaugrün by transmitted light; 14, grasgrün, lab stage, passing to blaugrün by reflected light 12, gelbgrihi, 2nd stage, passing to grasgrün by transmitted light; 13, grasgrün by reflected light (m) to (o) (k) to (m) (c) to (g), flecked with (m) (d) to (e) (p) to (q) (r) to (s) (b) to (c) Auhunga Auhunga Anhunga, flecked with Inanga Koko-tangiwai Koko-tangiwai Slightly opaque Slightly opaque Opaque Very transparent The absence of grey, though not very apparent without comparison, carries this into a different gamut. A slightly-decreased opacity makes this approach Kawakwa. This remarkable specimen is decked with specks of inanga of very small size, which appear to run in from the surface at an angle, giving it a beautiful appearance. This is a very beautiful specimen of tangi-wai without the "water-drops." It is like the transparent green sometimes seen in bottles oí coloured water in druggists' windows, Very transparent This is similar, but less olear, and has a characteristic yellow tinge,