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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70

No. Object. Colour. Tint. Maori Name Charcteristic Qualities. Remarks. 21 Axe of a greenish stone, found at Paremata, Porirua Harbour (Chapman) 22 Pendant, lobeshaped, from Murdering Beach (White) 23 Axe, from Boatman's (Chapman) 24 Mere (Sir R. Stout) 38, Blaugrügrau 32, zinnobergrau, banded with 38, blaugrün,-grau 12, gelbgrü passing to grasgrün 14, grasgrün (l) to (m) Various (d) to (e) (e) Possibly Kapo-tea, certainly not greenstone Tangmai, and possibly Toto-weka Raukaraka.. Kawakawa Bande…

No. Object. Colour. Tint. Maori Name Charcteristic Qualities. Remarks. 21 Axe of a greenish stone, found at Paremata, Porirua Harbour (Chapman) 22 Pendant, lobeshaped, from Murdering Beach (White) 23 Axe, from Boatman's (Chapman) 24 Mere (Sir R. Stout) 38, Blaugrügrau 32, zinnobergrau, banded with 38, blaugrün,-grau 12, gelbgrü passing to grasgrün 14, grasgrün (l) to (m) Various (d) to (e) (e) Possibly Kapo-tea, certainly not greenstone Tangmai, and possibly Toto-weka Raukaraka.. Kawakawa Banded colours Moderately transparent I have found several objects of this or ft similar stone neat Paikakariki, in the North Is J and, and have placed it in this list as possibly corresponding with the "spurious greenstone," It is a beautiful stone, probably ft green porphyry, In this piece, 4in. long, a piece of tangiwai is banded with about 25 transverse streaks of opaque reddish stone. This is due, no doubt, to the infiltration of iron impurities into a much-jointed piece of stone. The prevalence of yellow, especially i a the lighter parts, is a marked feature. This is a beautiful mere, 13in. long, of typical kawakawa. It is also typical in shape—i.e., 13in. long and 4in. broad, narrowing to 2in. where the hole is bored. The handle is finely carved, and is rather gelbgrün. It was the favourite tnere of Titokowaru, and was given by him to the Native Hi meter m token of his re tar u to fealty to the Queen.