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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70

THE OMARU MANUFACTURERS OF WOOLLEAN FACTORY COMPANY LIMITED. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL WOOL COATINCS FANCY TWEEDS, AND 3-ply Scotch Fingering Wool This Company took the First Award for Woollens at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition in Dunedin in 1890 Our FANCY TWEEDS are acknowledged to be THE BEST WEARING of any Tweeds yet introduced into the Market. For Newness of Design and Beauty of Colouring they are unsurpassed. One worn, always worn. Satisfaction always got from wearing. The Company's …

THE OMARU MANUFACTURERS OF WOOLLEAN FACTORY COMPANY LIMITED. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL WOOL COATINCS FANCY TWEEDS, AND 3-ply Scotch Fingering Wool This Company took the First Award for Woollens at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition in Dunedin in 1890 Our FANCY TWEEDS are acknowledged to be THE BEST WEARING of any Tweeds yet introduced into the Market. For Newness of Design and Beauty of Colouring they are unsurpassed. One worn, always worn. Satisfaction always got from wearing. The Company's Tweeds, in an Immense Variety of Designs—OYER and PATTERNS EVERY SIX MONTHS—are to be had from all the leading Tailors in Oamaru and Otago. THE OAMARU WOOLLEN FACTORY COMPANY, LTD OAMARU.