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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 74

Dividend Refund Bonus on Bonus on eg on of Purchase Salaries & Puid-up Charges of Merchandise and Capital. on Sales. Wages. 18P3 10% 20% 21% 5% 1894 10% 25% 21% 5% 1895 7% 10% 3 % 3% 1 Year. Total Profits. Gross Profits. Percentage Per Annum. Percentage of Working Expenses to Assets. 1893 £ 67,220 £ 8,156 (7 months) 16% 7½% 1894 166,846 14,067 8½% 5 % 1895 87,255 12,372 14% 9½% 1893 1894 1895 Margin of profit percentage over expenses percentage Margin of profit. say 9% 3½% say 5%

Dividend Refund Bonus on Bonus on eg on of Purchase Salaries & Puid-up Charges of Merchandise and Capital. on Sales. Wages. 18P3 10% 20% 21% 5% 1894 10% 25% 21% 5% 1895 7% 10% 3 % 3% 1 Year. Total Profits. Gross Profits. Percentage Per Annum. Percentage of Working Expenses to Assets. 1893 £ 67,220 £ 8,156 (7 months) 16% 7½% 1894 166,846 14,067 8½% 5 % 1895 87,255 12,372 14% 9½% 1893 1894 1895 Margin of profit percentage over expenses percentage Margin of profit. say 9% 3½% say 5%