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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 74

THE ONLY COLONIAL LIFE OFFICE WHICH DECLARES A BONDS EVERY YEAR, The Method of Valuation adopted by this Society is of the most Stringent Character, and ensures a Considerably Larger Reserve to meet Liabilities than that held by any other office in the Australasian Colonies. ACCUMULATED FUND EXCEEDS £13,500,000 (THIRTEEN MILLIONS) STERLING

THE ONLY COLONIAL LIFE OFFICE WHICH DECLARES A BONDS EVERY YEAR, The Method of Valuation adopted by this Society is of the most Stringent Character, and ensures a Considerably Larger Reserve to meet Liabilities than that held by any other office in the Australasian Colonies. ACCUMULATED FUND EXCEEDS £13,500,000 (THIRTEEN MILLIONS) STERLING