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The Spike or Victoria College Review, June 1907

E. REYNOLDS & CO., LTD. THE SPORTS DEPOT, 74-76, Willis Street, WELLINGTON. Sporting Goods of Every Description. Best Selection at Lowest Prices in the Dominion. HOCKEY STICKES, BALLS, SHIN-PADS, RINGS ALL TENNIS REQUISTES. CRICTED and GOLF, FOOTBALLS, BOXING-GLOVES, EXERICSERS. FISHING GOODS in every variety. GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLECERS, AMMUNITION. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. Correspondence promptly attended to. Call and Inspect. REYNOLD'S SPORTS DEPOT, 77-76 3 Willis Street, Wellington

E. REYNOLDS & CO., LTD. THE SPORTS DEPOT, 74-76, Willis Street, WELLINGTON. Sporting Goods of Every Description. Best Selection at Lowest Prices in the Dominion. HOCKEY STICKES, BALLS, SHIN-PADS, RINGS ALL TENNIS REQUISTES. CRICTED and GOLF, FOOTBALLS, BOXING-GLOVES, EXERICSERS. FISHING GOODS in every variety. GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLECERS, AMMUNITION. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. Correspondence promptly attended to. Call and Inspect. REYNOLD'S SPORTS DEPOT, 77-76 3 Willis Street, Wellington.