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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, October 1916

AN IDEAL GIFT THE "ONOTO" FOUNTAIN PEN The ONOTO Fountain Pen is of all British manufacture, and to have and to hold and ONOTO Fountain Pen is pleasure indeed. The ONOTO has no superior in the world of Fountain Pens, and there are few if any equal to it. The ONOTO Fountain Pen is self-filling, and many thousand words can be written with one fill of the pen The ONOTO Fountain Pen never leaks, because it is honestly made. The ONOTO Fountain Pen is British-built throughout, and possesses all the c…

AN IDEAL GIFT THE "ONOTO" FOUNTAIN PEN The ONOTO Fountain Pen is of all British manufacture, and to have and to hold and ONOTO Fountain Pen is pleasure indeed. The ONOTO has no superior in the world of Fountain Pens, and there are few if any equal to it. The ONOTO Fountain Pen is self-filling, and many thousand words can be written with one fill of the pen The ONOTO Fountain Pen never leaks, because it is honestly made. The ONOTO Fountain Pen is British-built throughout, and possesses all the characteristics of British workmanship. The ONOTO Fountain Pen is fitted with gold nibs, iridium pointed, in fine, medium and broad styles. The ONOTO Fountain Pen enablers the bad writer to write well, and the good write to excel himself. The ONOTO Fountain Pens, Presentation Series, Gold and Silver Mounted, make Ideal Mementos and keep the Donors in pleasant remembrance. PRICES: THE POPULAR MODELS, 15/-, 21/-, 22/6, 27/6 Nibs to suit every hand. MOUNTED PENS, from 21/- to 40/- Bottle of Ink and Clip given free with each Pen. Whitcombe & Tombs Limited Lambton Quay - - - Wellington