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The Spike or Victoria University College Review June 1918

Depressed and Worried Because of Defective Sight That's why he looks so glum. No need for him to worry, though, because he has only to look us up and we will give him Advice Free. Our Speciality is Improving Vision. Our Method Scientific and Up-to-date. Glasses to suit any sight—they are Reliable and Comfortable and so Light, too—can hardly be felt in wear. Let Us Examine Your Eyes! MORRISON & GILBERD (Late of Levi's Sight-Testing Rooms) WELLINGTON

Depressed and Worried Because of Defective Sight That's why he looks so glum. No need for him to worry, though, because he has only to look us up and we will give him Advice Free. Our Speciality is Improving Vision. Our Method Scientific and Up-to-date. Glasses to suit any sight—they are Reliable and Comfortable and so Light, too—can hardly be felt in wear. Let Us Examine Your Eyes! MORRISON & GILBERD (Late of Levi's Sight-Testing Rooms) WELLINGTON