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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1945

MICROSCOPES of all Types from RESEARCH to STUDENTS' MODELS by W. WATSON &SONS LTD., London—The largest makers of Microscopes and Accessories in the British Empire; and BAUSCH &LOMB OPTICAL CO., Rochester. America's Foremost Optical Institution. — Also suppliers of all LABORATORY, RESEARCH and Specialised SURGICAL LINES such as ABSORPTIOMETERS, SPECTROGRAPHS, INCUBATORS, OVENS, STADER SPLINTS, ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHS, Etc. WATSON VICTOR LIMITED (Incorporated In New South Wales) AUCKLAND WELLINGTON C…

MICROSCOPES of all Types from RESEARCH to STUDENTS' MODELS by W. WATSON &SONS LTD., London—The largest makers of Microscopes and Accessories in the British Empire; and BAUSCH &LOMB OPTICAL CO., Rochester. America's Foremost Optical Institution. — Also suppliers of all LABORATORY, RESEARCH and Specialised SURGICAL LINES such as ABSORPTIOMETERS, SPECTROGRAPHS, INCUBATORS, OVENS, STADER SPLINTS, ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHS, Etc. WATSON VICTOR LIMITED (Incorporated In New South Wales) AUCKLAND WELLINGTON CHRISTCHURCH DUNEDIN