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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1945

'ASPRO' As an ALL-BRITISH MEDICINE is UNCHALLENGEABLE — With justifiable pride 'ASPRO' has been extolled as an all-British medicine. There is nothing Foreign about it. The raw materials from which 'ASPRO' is manufactured are all of British Empire origin. 'ASPRO' is processed under a formula which is zealously guarded by the proprietors. Processing is not only responsible for the exclusive purity and safety of 'ASPRO'—it is one of the principal factors which has made 'ASPRO' a world-wide success…

'ASPRO' As an ALL-BRITISH MEDICINE is UNCHALLENGEABLE — With justifiable pride 'ASPRO' has been extolled as an all-British medicine. There is nothing Foreign about it. The raw materials from which 'ASPRO' is manufactured are all of British Empire origin. 'ASPRO' is processed under a formula which is zealously guarded by the proprietors. Processing is not only responsible for the exclusive purity and safety of 'ASPRO'—it is one of the principal factors which has made 'ASPRO' a world-wide success with people of all nationalities and a regular home medicine for use at any time or under any conditions. There are no injurious narcotics in 'ASPRO' so always use 'ASPRO' because it is all British and conforms to the standard of purity laid down by the British Pharmacopoeia, the guiding authority of the Medical profession. ONLY 'ASPRO' IS SANITAPED — ASPRO LIMITED Manufacturers 15-17 MARION ST., WELLINGTON