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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1945

A Message to Sportsmen We can supply you with Fishing Gear, Ruc Sacs, Sleeping bags, Sleeping Bag Covers, Trampers' Tents, Haversacks and a host of other outdoor requisites. Come along and see our varied stocks, including our Special Lightweight Trampers' Jackets. J. F. GORDON &CO. LTD. 25 LOWER CUBA STREET - Phone 41-715 - WELLINGTON

A Message to Sportsmen We can supply you with Fishing Gear, Ruc Sacs, Sleeping bags, Sleeping Bag Covers, Trampers' Tents, Haversacks and a host of other outdoor requisites. Come along and see our varied stocks, including our Special Lightweight Trampers' Jackets. J. F. GORDON &CO. LTD. 25 LOWER CUBA STREET - Phone 41-715 - WELLINGTON