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The Spike [: or, Victoria University College Review 1957]

Instant Healthy Warmth for your Home Come home on a cold night . . . light your gas fire, and in a twinkling welcome warmth begins to spread through the room . . . through the house. It's fast . . . healthy . . . economical. The friendly glow of a modern GAS FIRE radiates warmth and happiness. And a gas fire is clean with no ashes! Just light it and DELIGHT in it! Ask to see the streamlined portable and home models! INSTALL A MODERN GAS FIRE CALL AT . . . WELLINGTON GAS COY. LTD

Instant Healthy Warmth for your Home Come home on a cold night . . . light your gas fire, and in a twinkling welcome warmth begins to spread through the room . . . through the house. It's fast . . . healthy . . . economical. The friendly glow of a modern GAS FIRE radiates warmth and happiness. And a gas fire is clean with no ashes! Just light it and DELIGHT in it! Ask to see the streamlined portable and home models! INSTALL A MODERN GAS FIRE CALL AT . . . WELLINGTON GAS COY. LTD.