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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1981-82: VUWAE 26

Figure 3: Average diurnal variation of earthquake occurrence rate at Erebus summit between 29 November and 10 December 1981. Large earthquakes (>600 W) were not frequent between 2 and 6 hours NZST, while small earthquakes (0.6-6 W) were most frequent between 10 and 18 hours NZST and correlated with the mean diurnal gravity tide

Figure 3: Average diurnal variation of earthquake occurrence rate at Erebus summit between 29 November and 10 December 1981. Large earthquakes (>600 W) were not frequent between 2 and 6 hours NZST, while small earthquakes (0.6-6 W) were most frequent between 10 and 18 hours NZST and correlated with the mean diurnal gravity tide.

Figure 3: Average diurnal variation of earthquake occurrence rate at Erebus summit between 29 November and 10 December 1981. Large earthquakes (>600 W) were not frequent between 2 and 6 hours NZST, while small earthquakes (0.6-6 W) were most frequent between 10 and 18 hours NZST and correlated with the mean diurnal gravity tide.