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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1982-83: VUWAE 27

FIG. 5. Topographic features in McMurdo Sound and Granite Harbour. Depths in metres. Horizontal scale bars 5km long

FIG. 5. Topographic features in McMurdo Sound and Granite Harbour. Depths in metres. Horizontal scale bars 5km long.

FIG. 5. Topographic features in McMurdo Sound and Granite Harbour. Depths in metres. Horizontal scale bars 5km long.

A.Southern part of Bird Basin, contrasting the smooth flat floor with the rough topography beyond the margin.
B.Cross-section near the head of Granite Harbour, with the glacially moulded topography still evident in the deepest parts.
C.Bathymetry across the "scarp" off Granite Harbour.
D.Submarine valleys glacially carved by the Debenham Glacier 10km south of Station 19.
E.Narrow valley of unknown origin off New Harbour.
F.Submarine peaks along the edge of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, and inferred to be volcanic cones.