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The Holothurian Fauna of Cook Strait, New Zealand

Plate VII.—Stolus huttoni (Dendy).—Fig. 1, internal anatomy of adult dissected from the dorsal side; fig. 2, pharynx and calcareous ring; fig. 3, scales from the skin (in outline only); fig. 4, buttons; fig. 5, introvert deposits; fig. 6, tubefoot deposits; fig. 7, tentacle deposits; fig. 8. portion of a respiratory tree

Plate VII.—Stolus huttoni (Dendy).—Fig. 1, internal anatomy of adult dissected from the dorsal side; fig. 2, pharynx and calcareous ring; fig. 3, scales from the skin (in outline only); fig. 4, buttons; fig. 5, introvert deposits; fig. 6, tubefoot deposits; fig. 7, tentacle deposits; fig. 8. portion of a respiratory tree.

Plate VII.—Stolus huttoni (Dendy).—Fig. 1, internal anatomy of adult dissected from the dorsal side; fig. 2, pharynx and calcareous ring; fig. 3, scales from the skin (in outline only); fig. 4, buttons; fig. 5, introvert deposits; fig. 6, tubefoot deposits; fig. 7, tentacle deposits; fig. 8. portion of a respiratory tree.

Abbreviations: a.n., anterior notch; an., anus; cl., cloaca; c.r., calcareous ring; g.d., genital duct; g.tub., genital tubules; int., intestine; ir.p., interradial piece; mad., madreporite; mad.d., stone canal; m.f., muscle fibres; oes., oesophagus; P.v., Polian vesicle; r.l.m., radial longitudinal muscle; r.m., retractor muscle; r.p., radial piece; r.resp., right respiratory tree; r.tub., respiratory tubule; tr.m., transverse muscles.