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Proceedings of the First Symposium on Marsupials in New Zealand

Fig. 13. A hypothetical model of the possum-vegetation-climate complex of interactions in the Orongorongo forest, with emphasis on aspects relating to female breeding productivity. 'Post-pouch mortality' refers to all deaths after the pouch-young phase of development, and to both sexes including females as indicated

Fig. 13. A hypothetical model of the possum-vegetation-climate complex of interactions in the Orongorongo forest, with emphasis on aspects relating to female breeding productivity. 'Post-pouch mortality' refers to all deaths after the pouch-young phase of development, and to both sexes including females as indicated.

Fig. 13. A hypothetical model of the possum-vegetation-climate complex of interactions in the Orongorongo forest, with emphasis on aspects relating to female breeding productivity. 'Post-pouch mortality' refers to all deaths after the pouch-young phase of development, and to both sexes including females as indicated.