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Pacific Service: the story of the new Zealand Army Service Corps Units with the Third Division in the Pacific

An official artist's impression of the Northern Racing Club's meeting at Taom, in the 14th Brigade's area, where a full-sized racecourse was laid down. Below: The 14th Brigade's roadhouse and chapel at Taom in the north of New Caledonia. Similar roadhouses were constructed in each area

An official artist's impression of the Northern Racing Club's meeting at Taom, in the 14th Brigade's area, where a full-sized racecourse was laid down. Below: The 14th Brigade's roadhouse and chapel at Taom in the north of New Caledonia. Similar roadhouses were constructed in each area

An official artist's impression of the Northern Racing Club's meeting at Taom, in the 14th Brigade's area, where a full-sized racecourse was laid down. Below: The 14th Brigade's roadhouse and chapel at Taom in the north of New Caledonia. Similar roadhouses were constructed in each area