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Design Review: Volume 5, Issue 3 (July-August 1953)


page 66


Some shops in our cities are aware that the design-conscious section of the buying public is increasing. We now find attention being given by local manufacturers and salesmen to overseas designs for contemporary furniture. The need in small homes for light, comfortable and easily arranged furniture of simple lines is now recognised by most housewives. The difficulty is to find it. Although these photographs by no means cover the full range of modern furniture procurable at present, they give some indication of the current improvement in design. Again, the wide variety of furnishing materials available now offers many alternatives to the conventional floral chintz and autumn-toned plush coverings. Both strong and subtle colour is to be found as well as more original patterns and interesting textures in the fabrics recently imported. A wide range of prices place these within the means of anyone thinking of re-covering furniture or hanging new curtains.

The dining table and chairs, right, designed for the Festival of Britain Exhibition by Ernest Race Ltd., England, skilfully combine wood, metal and fabric. The solid mahogany top, 4ft. × 2ft. 8in., is supported by cream-grey aluminium alloy legs screwed to the top. The foam rubber chair seats are covered in rough textured cotton fabric in flame red. Price approximately £57/15/- at the D.I.C., Wellington.

The dining table and chairs, right, designed for the Festival of Britain Exhibition by Ernest Race Ltd., England, skilfully combine wood, metal and fabric. The solid mahogany top, 4ft. × 2ft. 8in., is supported by cream-grey aluminium alloy legs screwed to the top. The foam rubber chair seats are covered in rough textured cotton fabric in flame red. Price approximately £57/15/- at the D.I.C., Wellington.

The Antelope chair, upper, and the Springbok, lower, above, were both designed by Ernest Race Ltd., for the Festival Exhibition and used there for public seating. Both chairs are suitable for either indoors or the garden and may be left out in all weathers. The Antelope, £9/9/-, has a white metal frame and yellow plywood seat. The comfort of the Springbok lies in its rows of plastic-covered metal springs which give flexibility of support. In white frame and red plastic, £12/12/- at the D.I.C., Wellington. The coffee table, right, is available at Stockton's, Woodward Street, Wellington, or Brenner Associates, Dominion Road, Auckland. The glass top may be removed and the table reversed. Price, £11/11/-.

The Antelope chair, upper, and the Springbok, lower, above, were both designed by Ernest Race Ltd., for the Festival Exhibition and used there for public seating. Both chairs are suitable for either indoors or the garden and may be left out in all weathers. The Antelope, £9/9/-, has a white metal frame and yellow plywood seat. The comfort of the Springbok lies in its rows of plastic-covered metal springs which give flexibility of support. In white frame and red plastic, £12/12/- at the D.I.C., Wellington. The coffee table, right, is available at Stockton's, Woodward Street, Wellington, or Brenner Associates, Dominion Road, Auckland. The glass top may be removed and the table reversed. Price, £11/11/-.